
Thursday, 13 November 2014

Museum Trip

Museum Trip

On Tuesday the 28 all the year sevens  went on a trip to the museum. We all came to the street to get everything ready for the museum trip. Once we got our things ready we had to listen for our name to see which group we are going to be in. My name was called out and I was in group 5. Once the groups were sorted out we had to wait for Ms Pagget to write  our group number on our hand .

Once everything was sorted out we headed down to the bus. We were driving for like about 30 minutes or 20 minutes.We arrived  at the museum and headed down to the the kai room to have morning tea.

Once we finished eating our lunch we had to go back to the entrance room. We were given a pencil and paper that has questions on it .We had to do what the questions say’s.

The first place we went to was the Maori room.We had to look for flex and then copy it on to the paper.We had to look around so we can choose which flex we are going to draw. Once I drew my picture on to the paper I went around taking photos of interesting things.

Once we finish looking around we had to go to this part were it said when we go out of the Maori room we had to wash our hands .All of us went to wash our hands because we were going to the pacific area.

We headed down to the pacific area  to look at different kind of designs . We look at all the different kind of culture"s , pattern and once we found which one we liked we had to draw it on the piece of paper.

After we finish looking at the pacific area we went to the entrance room and had lunch.We all spent a long time eating our lunch.When we finish eating our lunch we went to the front of the museum to take  some pictures of the trees and other different things.

At the end of our day we played handball.Me and some of the girls from class 2,3 and 4 . We waited for the bus to come and pick us up . After a couple of minutes we just figured out that one of the groups were missing. We played a little longer until the team had finally arrived.We left and headed back to school.

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